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The Compound Effect

I submit an additional option for the experienced modeler who is "in a rut" is to reach out to new modelers; share your wisdom one-on-one. Helping others is a time-honored way to lift your spirit. Outcome is win-win.

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Good Column

To add to what Don said, consider the gradual accumulation of skills as a necessary component for building that "someday" layout.  I run into a lot of hobbyists who do little besides stockpiling kits and other stuff waiting for retirement, the kids to move out, or something else in the future.  In the meantime they don't do anything to hone their abilities or acquire meaningful knowledge.  When the time comes for that big layout they have no idea how to build it and have squandered irreplaceable decades when they could have been slowly accumulating the necessary skills.  Start small and allow yourself some learning opportunities.  Your future self will thank you.

Rob Spangler MRH Blog

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A link/reference would be nice

I agree 100% with the article and both dafiste and Rob's comments. There is so much to do in this hobby, we could never become "expert" in everything, but the only way we improve is to get in there and start working on it. 

(Note to self, get in there and start working on the layout planning/design.)

One minor editorial sort of comment. You mention Joe's excellent article on "chainsaw layouts." Forgive me for getting older and not having the terrific, "photographic" memory of youth, but a link or mention of where Joe wrote about this would have been nice. (For the record, the April 2013 issue, pg 131 landscape: "Planning to destroy your layout. Reverse running: stepping outside the box with a contrary view.")

Jim C.
Ceres, CA

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Chainsaw layouts

If  memory serves, Joe's treatise on chainsaw layouts was the Reverse Running column in the first issue of MRH. It made something of an impact around here at the time.

Jeff Shultz - MRH Technical Assistant
DCC Features Matrix/My blog index
Modeling a fictional GWI shortline combining three separate areas into one freelance-ish railroad.

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Math error

You wrote that somebody choosing the second option would end up with $5368,709.00 after 30 days. I believe the correct figure is actually $21,474,836.47. On any given day "n" the new amount added would be 2^n pennies and the accumulated total would be 1 less than 2^(n+1).


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I agree with the comments but

I agree with the comments but I found that when I started helpin newbies I was being over run with requests for help to the point that I didn't have time for my own. You have to teach them how to do it, then get them doing it and not do it for them or they will stand there and watch.They have to make their mistakes to learn.sort of like one on one clinics.

Cheers Les


WEUSANDCORR est 1976     The C&NW is alive in Oz  the land Down under

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